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Frequently Asked Questions

1.  How is SleighFarm Publishing Group different than a traditional publisher?
   SPG does not pay advances to authors nor perform the expensive distribution and marketing tasks that traditional publishers perform.  However, we are more like a publishing service bureau that helps an author publish and market their own book. 
2.  How is SPG diffrerent than other companies for authors that self-publish?

  We are a group of creative people - writers, photographers and artists mostly spurned by commercial publishers - that decided to work together to get our own books in print.  After finding our way by trial and error, we decided to offer our services as "experienced frontier guides" to others. We are quite aware of how very expensive some of the other publishing-assistance sites are, so in an effort to hold down costs, we provide only those services that the authors request to get their books out there.  Our clients can choose from our palette of story editing, copy editing, formatting, cover creation, copyright registration, library of congress registration, ISBN/EAN registration, e-book conversion,  marketing, and professional consultation.
3.  Must my book be printed on demand - one at a time?
  No.  In fact, we will gladly assist an author that wants
100 or more copies of their book printed en-masse at a commercial press.  We are very familiar with commercial printing processes as well as the more recently popularized print-on-demand (POD) processes.
4.  Who will be listed as my book's publisher?
  It is your choice.  Some authors want their own imprint as the publisher of their book.  Others want to draw upon the reputation of an established publishing house.  SPG will accept most titles under our imprint and provide space on our webstore for those titles as part of the growing SPG library, but does not require that an author list us as their publisher.  Some print-on-demand suppliers will provide an ISBN/EAN at no cost listing the supplier as the publisher of record.  There are significant costs involved for authors attempting to acquire an ISBN/EAN listing themselves as the publisher, often more than $100.00 per title.
5.  This offer sounds too good to be true.  What is the downside?
  There are several
consequences an author should consider before self publishing and before choosing SPG as their advisor.  Since SPG does not pay advances, an author must promote and sell copies of their own book to earn income.  SPG does not independently market or distribute books to bookstores, so the author is responsible for generating interest in their book and cultivating retail outlets, thus generating sales.
  Our services, while reasonable, are not free of charge.   We do encourage our clients to learn from us and even to compete with us for additional clients.

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