SPG Brand Logo       P.J. Trinejo

P.J.  (preferred pronouns they/them) is our intern and has amazing skill at writing.  Their fiction is so remarkable we decided to feature an example of it on our website.  After hearing about some of the early internet fiction they took it upon themself to write an alternate ending for the thirty-year-old anonymously authored classic serial fiction "The Joe bates Saga" that was originally published in the days before AOL and Windows 95 when most of the internet was text.  To help readers unfamiliar with the seminal example of early internet erotica, a PDF-formatted version of the fifty-eight original "Joe Bates Saga" chapters are also available for download below

P.J. Trinejo ending for "The Joe Bates Saga"

Click here to download "The Joe Bates Saga" in PDF format

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